Welcome to my portfolio! As a dedicated programmer fueled by an insatiable curiosity, I am thrilled to present a collection of my work that showcases my skills and creativity. With a strong foundation in C#, I have honed my skills in full-stack web development, desktop and mobile app development.
All of the programs shown were made to solve real world problems. I have had to learn windows presentation foundation, blazor and .net MAUI to choose the correct tools for each app. I had a lot of fun designing and writing these apps, including some brain-teasing bug hunting. I have tried to keep everything intuitive and easy to use, without sacrificing functionality. Are these apps finished? They are complete and being used daily but I still consider them a work in progress – there is always something to fine tune or be done better. Thank you for joining me on this journey through my programmer portfolio. I invite you to explore each project in detail and witness the passion and dedication I invest into my craft. Whether you have feedback or ideas please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Codename: Problem generator
Status: Deployed
Demo link: https://demoproblemgenerator.azurewebsites.net
Source code: https://github.com/Frostoriginal/ProblemGenerator
Problem to solve:
• Room maids forget to report broken equipment or other things that need to be fixed;
• No one keeps track of the problems to be solved / things to be fixed or it’s done sporadically;
• Handyman has a lot of downtime due to lack of well defined tasks;
• Some recurrent tasks are not done on time
Pre development requirements:
• Adding problems to be solved by the handyman
• Keeping track of of problem status
• Information about priority and time elapsed since problem creation
• Adding recurrent tasks to do with recurrence pattern settings – eg. every week on tuesday, every two weeks, every year on selected date
• Easily accessible on both PC and phone
• Program hosted and working in local network
In development changes:
• The option to add photos to problems
• Localization from english to polish
Optional features for future development:
• Authentication and authorization, login based privileges
• directory cleaning “job”
• push notification
• .Net MAUI client
• Docker containerization, migration from IIS
Additional info:
• Deploy in small firm < 20 employees
• Deploy to local network, ease of access and no installation / logging required for basic usage
• Used windows server / IIS due to existing local hardware
• Basic/generic styling
Codename: List generator
Status: Beta
Demo link: Link
Source code: https://github.com/Frostoriginal/ListGeneratorMVVN
Problem to solve:
• List of attendance is made each month for each employee, with dates and names written manually.
• As a mundane task it is prone to errors both in names and dates.
Pre development requirements :
• Generating page with a list of attendance for each employee separately
• Page layout must mimic actual list of attendance
• Storing Employee data: Name, Surname and department in the database
• Adding and deleting Employees to/from the database
• Generating the list of attendance for any date selected
In development changes
• Document preview
• No hardcoded departments – adding and deleting departments to database